Artist Statement
My art is non-objective and inspired by ornamental pattern elements. Handcut templates from parts of patterns found in old wallpaper, tiles or ornaments that I photograph in and on buildings around the world, are my tools for finding compositions. This fascination with ornamental shapes comes from the old wallpaper rolls that my grandfather had in his house. As a small girl I would be mesmerised by these and feel the texture of these rolls. I also make ample use of my collection of wallpaper sample books that have been handed down to me by my uncle who also worked in the wallpaper industry. I paint mainly in acrylics on wooden panels.
My paintings always start with a few layers of play that may get fully covered in the end but their presence only adds to the history and the building up of texture of the piece I am working on. I love it when the hints are peeking through the final layers. By building textures with medium and glazing multiple times I achieve the look of ancient walls and a rich layering. I can see so much beauty in weathered old walls with peeling paint and I want to recreate that feeling. It is important to me that my art has texture because I want to literally feel my paintings during my process.
Recently my art is becoming more and more an expression of my soul, using only the shapes that speak to me, juxtaposing round and curvy shapes to straight lines or grids.
The process of painting, the elimination and re-introductions of parts of the pattern is endlessly fascinating and satisfying. Painting gives me a sense of peace and excitement at the same time. My aim is that the joyous energy and flow-state felt when creating will be transferred to the observer.

Tessa Maagdenberg was born in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, in 1967. Her youth was spent in the outskirts of Rotterdam. At 24 she moved to Vietnam. With her 4 young kids, she lived in 4 different countries in the Middle East and Asia for 17 years. She always sought out local artists to work with and learn from. Chinese brush painting in Vietnam, Calligraphy in Japan and painting and drawing in Cyprus and Turkey.
Back in the Netherlands she fully concentrated herself on her art, went to art school and started her studio in Scheveningen, the Netherlands in 2011. Nowadays she devotes her time to making art and teaching workshops. She is an active member of different art societies in the Netherlands and regularly exhibits her work. Her art has been featured in the international art magazines Ever Emerging, All she makes and Art Seen. She participated in the curated exhibition [Re]Discoveries in March 2024, initiated and curated by Manuela Klerkx, which was held in Amsterdam.
Her art is found in the homes of collectors around the world, Belgium, the USA, Canada, the UK and the Netherlands. Tessa has exhibited nationally and internationally.